Re: Spam on www-style

On Wednesday, August 4, 2004, 2:04:55 PM, Daniel wrote:

DG> Philip TAYLOR wrote:

>> Another common factor of the jjsolari posts is
>> the following, which might provide an alternative filter
>> rule :
>>     Received: from 
>> ([] helo=

DG> JJSolari is a real person, and he is NOT a spammer. He has always
DG> helped a lot the standards and open software communities. I am very
DG> surprised to see his name attached to spams, and I recommend
DG> caution if you are to set up a anti-spam rule, it could be just
DG> an email abuse.

Well said, Daniel.

I get a lot of spam 'from' Bert Bos, for example. But in addition to
being one of four email addresses in the CSS2 specification (Ian,
Bert, Hakon and myself 'send' a lot of spam and viruses to each
other, from those programs that take addresses to forge from the browser
cache) Bart is also a real person.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 10:27:20 UTC