Wording issue in definition of line-height

The definition of line-height [1] says:

   If the property is set on a block-level, table-cell, table-caption or
   inline-block element whose content is composed of inline-level
   elements, it specifies the minimal height of line boxes within the

This doesn't make it clear what the "minimal height" mentioned actually 
does.  As far as I can tell, the line box height calculation algorithm 
[2] should include another step:

   4.  If the resulting height is smaller than the minimal height of line
       boxes for this block, as specified by the __line-height__
       property, the height is increased to be said minimal height.

or something along those lines.  Here the "__line-height__" part should 
be a link to the definition of the property, and the "minimal height" 
wording in the property definition should ideally be a link to section 10.8.

There is the issue of specifying exactly what happens to the baseline 
and what happens to vertical alignment when step 4 is applied as above. 
  I'm not sure how this part should work, but I think we should decide a 
way and specify it clearly...


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#propdef-line-height
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#line-height

Received on Sunday, 18 April 2004 14:56:26 UTC