Re: Column text color

> [Original Message]
> From: Boris Zbarsky <bzbarsky@MIT.EDU>
> Chris Moschini wrote:
> > The least drastic method is:
> > 
> > 1) Modify nth-of-type( n ) selectors to account for colspan. That is,
if I say
> > td:nth-of-type(3), then it counts 3 columns over in the Table, not 3 TD

:column(3) perhaps, but don't modify :nth-of-type(), it would be too likely
to wreck existing stylesheets.

> This fails to address the basic issue Ian's blog entry points out, which 
> is that at style resolution time you don't know anything about columns, 
> colspans, or the table structure.

Could you give a reference to that blog entry?

Because I don't see that I agree with that statement, at least not for
an HTML- like table structure where at the time a specific table cell
is encountered, one could know which row, row-group, column, and
column-group it is in as the start tag for those elements have already
been encountered.

Now if that were not the case, or if CSS were used to decide which
row or column a cell was in, then the assertion that one could not
know would be true, but for table models like the one used
by HTML, I fail to see the impossibility.  Restricting the use
of :column() and :row() only to HTML-like table models does not
seem to be a hardship and would be useful with such tables.

Whether this possibility is a desirability is a separate question
and perhaps the blog entry will point out why such an approach
would be undesirable.

Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 13:36:34 UTC