Re: CSS in XML format ?

----- Message d'origine -----
De: "Jan Roland Eriksson" <>

> CSS is a "non procedural, descriptive only" language, it shall stay that
> way of course (advocating this to the current CSS WG, if it helps).

I do not understand how this contradicts its syntax being XML. Could you
explain ?

> It's about understanding to use the right tool for the job at hand, the
> "bandwagon" fools a lot of people to think in opposite ways.

Yes, yes. I'm sure those "fooled by the bandwagon" appreciate.

Let's stick to explaining why XML is incompatible with the « non procedural,
descriptive only » nature of CSS.

P. A.
Unicode en français
(texte normatif, annotations, tous les caractères 3.2)

Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2002 20:17:51 UTC