Re: display:none in aural media

Yuu Morita wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> There is an element with which display:none was applied.
> I hope it is not reproduced on aural UA too, because CSS2 
> spec. said in 19.3, "To be sure to suppress rendering of 
> an element and its descendants, use the 'display' property."

display:none is media-independent, it always hides an element, in all browsers. 
So yes, your example will also not be rendered by an aural browser.

Ian Hickson
``The inability of a user agent to implement part of this specification due to
the limitations of a particular device (e.g., non interactive user agents will
probably not implement dynamic pseudo-classes because they make no sense
without interactivity) does not imply non-conformance.'' -- Selectors, Sec13

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 05:50:56 UTC