Re: Image proportional scaling?

Also sprach Einar Westermann:

 > Is there no way in CSS to scale an image both proportionally and within a 
 > containing block by a percentage of its intrinsic dimensions?

No, there isn't. It's a good idea, though. How about:

 IMG { width: 1.5 }

The other one is setting font sizes based on the width of the
containting block. I.e., when you resize the window the font size
changes. This one is trickier to come up with a syntax for. We could
have used % since everything you can do with % can also be achieved
with "em". I.e., these two are equivalent:

 P { font-size: 1.5em }
 P { font-size: 150% }

We could redefine %, but that would break existing pages.. A factor
could be used instead, e.g.

 P { font-size: 0.05 }

              Håkon Wium Lie                          cto °þe®ª        

You can scale it relative to its own containing block and the font size. 

Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 03:15:08 UTC