Re: Standards Compliance and msn

On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 20:03:15 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>Things like this:
> are
>why Tantek and Chris often get such disrespect on this

That statement has to stand for you. And I had no idea that either of
those two really needed an "ombudsman" to get around.

The rest of your post shows up as a lack of knowledge about history
sorry to say.

One of the guys you named up here missed the "original dollar train"
that Marc and Jim once started by something like six months...

You may want to do your own research from there :-)

And you can forget about what MSN is saying, just in the same way as I
tend to forget that "first hoover salesman" Steve Balmer has just
spoke in Sweden, and/or that Craig Mundie appeared as if he was
"backdrunk" on NY university not long ago.

>Do You Yahoo!?

No, I do not "Yahoo", I have my own ISP's that I pay money to, for as
long as they give me the level of service quality that I want.


Received on Friday, 26 October 2001 01:14:29 UTC