Re: New version of the Selectors module of CSS3

* "Jonas Sicking" <> wrote:
| 1. :default pseudo-class.
| represents the element that will be activated when the user presses default
| activate key (normally enter).

"The :focus pseudo-class applies while an element has the focus (accepts
keyboard or mouse events, or other forms of input)."

Why do you think this does not apply to a submit button that accepts the
keyboard event "return is pressed"?

| 2. pseudo-class inversion.

(I think i do not really understand you mean)

| It is sometimes useful to apply inverted pseudoclasses such as is suggested
| on some of the structural pseudo-classes (:not-first-of-type,
| :not-nth-of-type(n) etc). For example if I think that the default blue links
| go very badly with my design but I still want to let users decide how they
| want their links to look like I could do something like:

... not define link colors ...

| a:not-hover { color: inherit }

a link should inherit the color if a user does not hover a link? Absurd?

| That way users will clearly recognize their default link look once they
| hover over the link, whatever color they have selected for links per
| default.

Hide and seek interactivity?

| 5. entities
| If I have a XML file containing unresolved entities it could be really
| useful to be able to style those.

No problem. Wrap them in an inline element.

Björn Höhrmann ^ ^
am Badedeich 7 ° Telefon: +49(0)4667/981ASK °
25899 Dagebüll # PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 # +{i}
--- Only connect! That was the whole of the sermon. -- E. M. Forster ---

Received on Friday, 6 October 2000 07:46:28 UTC