On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Matthew Brealey wrote:
> I would like to see reversion to the original 'hand' type for cursor
> on the basis that this is what has been implemented in millions of
> released browsers to date (i.e., Internet Explorer).

Do you mean you would like the 'pointer' keyword to be replaced by the
'hand' keyword? The WG discussed this in 1997, and the only document
that ever mentioned 'hand' as a possible value for 'cursor' is the
*original* draft *note* from August 1997:

The value found in the CSS2 spec, 'pointer', is better since it does
not give the impression that a particular cursor shape will be used.
You will notice that most of the cursor types are picture-neutral in
this way. 

> Furthermore, I would like to see the removal of the hyphens from the
> hyphenated fonts, which would be both in line with the UI colours

I would be more inclined to suggest the opposite -- the UI colours
should IMHO use hyphens. This would be more in line with the rest of
the CSS specification and what has been implemented.

Ian Hickson                            ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._        `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)
                                        (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-' fL
Member, Mozilla Quality Assurance     _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
Browser Standards Compliance Team    (il).-''  (li).'  ((!.-'    

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2000 13:30:48 UTC