Re: Behavior, scripts, CSS

At 10:34 AM 8/8/00 +0100, Matthew Brealey wrote:
>Simon St.Laurent wrote:
>> ActiveX controls let you format your hard drive from any script - this
>> isn't a hazard peculiar to including scripts in CSS.  
>For me, that isn't so much the point as the fact that scripts that kill
>your PC have no place in *style* sheets, since style sheets are about
>formatting whereas trashing PCs most definitely is not.

Are style sheets just about 'formatting' or are they about adding
information to documents?

I (still) can't stand XSLT, but have to admit that their moving beyond
simple description has made a huge difference in their adoption.

I'd call formatting just one behavior of many, allow CSS to do more and
better work, and abuse the browser vendors mercilessly for creating
architectures that let scripts reach outside of the browser.

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed. - XML essays and books

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 08:44:21 UTC