Re: Official statement from Microsoft concerning CSS, XSL and US Patent No. 5,860,073

"Here's my thing:"

Sure, a lot of W3C standards submitted by corporations are patented by the
submitting corporation. What bothers me, is who proposed CSS in the first
place? I thought it was Hakon Lie... I was surprised to see that MS
submitted XSL back in August '97, along with INSO and ArborText.
The "official statement" Chris sent us was EXACTLY what was published in the
original Microsoft submission. However, a nearly identical statement was
made on behalf of ArborText for intellectual property rights on XSL.

This information does not answer about CSS, however... For the record, who
originally submitted CSS in 1994? Wasn't it Hakon Lie?

Daniel [inanis (edf)]

Received on Friday, 12 March 1999 01:24:59 UTC