Introducing property codependency.

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998, Sue Sims wrote:
> Action Sheets
> <URI:>
> I haven't found a submission for the MS behavior proposal.

Action Sheets look _very_ interesting.

Of particular relevance to www-style and CSS3 are points two and three of
the "Open Issues" around three quarters of the way down the above quoted

A BIG problem with CSS at the moment is the potential clashing of colours.
Any stylesheet which defines a few different background colours and a few
different foreground colours has to define *every* possible combination
separately. For example, on my page my links are colour coded (Internet,
External, Page or Mail) and I have different backgrounds for the header,
the footer, new sections (highlighted), sections in CODE or PRE, and so
on. In case you don't realise the extent to which this is a problem, I had
to separate my link colours into a separate CSS file because it was
getting impossible to handle. [1]

One way around this problem would be to use something similar to one
of the issues mentioned in the CAS proposal. What one could introduce
is the ability to link properties IN DIFFERENT RULES together, in such
a way that if one is overruled, then the other will be ignored too.

i.e., property codependency.

Comments? [2]

[1] You want to see what I mean? Look at my main CSS file:
and then the related file which only deals with the link colour
They are about the same size!!!

[2] I won't bother citing examples, because every time I show an
example of how a new idea could be implemented, the discussion becomes
one of appropriate syntax rather than potential of the idea!!!

Ian Hickson

Received on Wednesday, 21 October 1998 13:54:48 UTC