Re: Media Types

I've had to return to using tables for layout on many pages because of the
slow implementation of style sheet enabled browsers. I need columns on my
pages and without CSS positioning or EM values I must resort to those pixel
width tables because they work and are stable. It's no longer tolerable for
me to have my pages looking amateurish to most people (actually to
advertisers). So I can understand. It just illustrates the depressing
situation that we are in without the majority browser maker deploying a
realistic CSS-enabled browser.


At 08:42 PM 1/12/98 +0000, gordon wrote:
>Actually I'd expect nothing less from these sites. Aren't they the same ones
>that hard-code for 640 pixel width, when percentages would allow display at
>any resolution? I think it's more of a vote for the lowest common
>denominator (on both counts).

   _/ Steve Knoblock            
   _/ City Gallery                  
   _/ Member NSA     

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 1998 12:37:46 UTC