Re: colours for bullets


Liam Quinn wrote:
> <LI COLOR="#rrggbb" SIZE=xx-large 
> BACKGROUND="" BGCOLOR="#rrggbb" 
> FONTFACE="'New Century Schoolbook', Times, serif" FONTSTYLE=italic 
> Now repeat that for each LI over an entire site of a few hundred 
> documents.  Then think about what happens when you decide a different 
> colour would have been better.  Then try to remember why style sheets 
> didn't seem incredibly easier and more flexible.


But you are right, that would be too much, perhaps a combination with
normal style would be the best, so you can define 'your' standard and
change it only if necessary...

*sight* which Browsers support CSS?  Netscape3.x, MS?? ?

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Received on Tuesday, 15 April 1997 11:09:18 UTC