Re: accesskey timing specifier syntax

Bjoern Hoehrmann:
> >the U+0009 character in the attribute will be normalised to U+0020
> >before the SVG UA ever gets to see it.
> No, see <>.

Oh right, I misread the algorithm.

> >Is there a difference between specifying accesskey(A) and accesskey(a)?
> >What about accesskey(1) and accesskey(!)?  On my keyboard 1 and ! are
> >on the same key.
> Yes and yes; it also seems clear that the feature is based on text input
> rather than keypress events. Whether accesskey(A) should be triggered if
> "a" is the input is not defined in SMIL2...

I didn't think it was clear that it was based on text input, hence my
asking.  If it's based on text input, does that mean I can't use
accesskey(#x9;) to mean tab or accesskey(#x8;) to mean backspace?

> >What does it mean to use a character that doesn't correspond to a key,
> >such as accesskey(&#x2622;)?
> This means that the user has a problem triggering it...


> >Which characters must be escaped?  For example, if I want to use the
> >minus key, would I have to use accesskey(\-), because of the parsing
> >rules?  Any other characters?
> The "character" non-terminal is indeed undefined, it seems clear though
> that it resolves to U+000000-U+10FFFF except ")"; using ) as accesskey
> seems to be disallowed.

Seems by testing it in implementations, or is there some text there
that I missed?

> >What about keys that don't corrsepond to a character in Unicode, such
> >as Home?
> Those can't be used, obviously.

Ok, thanks.

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Received on Sunday, 6 November 2005 21:55:47 UTC