Re: Sound File "Finished" Event

Here is how you can do this in IE 5.0:

<html xmlns:t = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" >
	<title>End message on repeating sound</title>
Raise an event when sound file completes repeating
<span id="eventInfo" />
You'll see a message above when all repeats are done

<t:audio id="mediaContent" t:src="foo.mid" t:repeat="3"
onend="eventInfo.innerText = 'all repeats ended'" />


-Pablo Fernicola

From: "Adams, Richard" <>
To: "'W3 SMIL Mailing List'" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 15:09:09 -0500
Subject: Sound File "Finished" Event

Does anyone know how make a script function execute after a sound file has
finished playing a specified number of times? Specifically, I want my HTML
page to play a MIDI file a certain number of times (the number of loops is
user specified), then I want to load a new HTML page. I thought I could have
a script function triggered by a "sound file is finished playing" event, but
I don't find a capability like this, either in HTML or SMIL.

Dick Adams
Software Engineer
Sprint PCS
Overland Park, Kansas
(816) 559-7292

Received on Thursday, 19 August 1999 17:12:08 UTC