Re: Sound File "Finished" Event

Recently, "Adams, Richard" <> said:
> Does anyone know how make a script function execute after a sound file has
> finished playing a specified number of times? Specifically, I want my HTML
> page to play a MIDI file a certain number of times (the number of loops is
> user specified), then I want to load a new HTML page. I thought I could have
> a script function triggered by a "sound file is finished playing" event, but
> I don't find a capability like this, either in HTML or SMIL.

If you use a SMIL viewer that can handle HTML (like the GRiNS player)
this is simple:
  <text href="firstpage.html" .../>
  <audio href="audio.aiff" repeat="3"/>
<text href="secondpage.html" .../>

If you want to do this in your HTML browser with an embedded G2 plugin 
or something like that it is (as far as I know) impossible. SMIL 2
will probably contain enough machinery to do this.
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++ | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++    | see 

Received on Thursday, 12 August 1999 18:10:17 UTC