Re: plain rules, please [was: Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) 0.5 released]

   [Bijan Parsia]
   Of course, given the increasing recognition that Deduction is Evil(tm) 
   or, at least, that Deduction is Silly and Pointless(r), the former 
   properties might not be so nice.

Deduction is wonderful.  Unification is wonderful, too.  I _love_ this
stuff.  But who in the world thinks it's a paradigm that subsumes
most reasoning tasks, or even a plurality?  

                                             -- Drew

P.S. Evil or silly?  Evil or silly?  So hard to choose....  Maybe I
should warm up by sorting out this evil-or-silly issue with respect to
Arnold Schwarzenegger first.

By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to all who understand what "Happy
Thanksgiving" means!

                                   -- Drew McDermott
                                      Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2003 13:57:50 UTC