Re: a simple question

[fully agreed]
>                                           The
> industrial uses of Prolog-style rules all are
> designed within controlled environments,
> typically using databases, where such special
> conditions can be assumed. But on the web, we
> can't assume that we are living in such a
> controlled environment. We need to make those
> critical assumptions explicit somehow if we are
> going to make rules that can survive in the real
> world.

For the test cases till now, we have been trying to
find that explicitness by not only showing the
conclusion, but by returning an explanation like
  (# list of explicitly assumed RDF formulae
  {# a recursive form of
   {given-or-derived-grounded-facts} => {intermediate-conclusion}}
 # an iteration for other grounded-conclusions from conclusion-uri

which is meant as an example of an RDF formula :)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2003 08:49:37 UTC