Re: Scope

On Thu, 8 Nov 2001, Seaborne, Andy wrote:

> RDQL [1] is an implementation of SquishQL for Jena [2] - the syntax for RDQL
> and Libby's Inkling are close and converging.

Andy's implementation is of a higher quality than mine :)

> Above all, what I would like to see is a common core query language so that
> tool sets can choose to provide the same basic query and application
> programmers don't have to learn a new language for each tool set.  This
> would also be good so queries can be shipped over SOAP to different RDF
> stores.

This is a great idea, and Dan Brickley already has some demos using Eric
Prud'hommeax's Algae and also SquishQL servers, showing that
SquishQL and Algae can more or less be mapped to each other. A common
syntax would be very useful, but syntactic differences might be less
significant if there is a common model of what a query is. 



Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 10:28:35 UTC