www-rdf-logic@w3.org from February 2008 by subject

1st CFP: IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-08 (Dec. 9-12, Sydney, Australia)

2nd Cfp: ESWC 2008 Ph.D. Symposium

2nd CfP: SemWiki2008 - The Wiki Way of Semantics (Workshop@ESWC)

5th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing

Call For Papers: Computer Science & Computer Engineering Conferences - July 2008, USA, WORLDCOMP'08

Call For Papers: CS and CE Conferences - July 2008, USA, WORLDCOMP'08 (deadline: Feb. 25, 2008)

Call For Papers: Extended deadline: March 10 - WORLDCOMP'08 Congress (CS and CE Conferences - July 2008, USA)

Call for Papers: The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration


CfP Web Semantics (WebS) 2008

CfP: 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference 2008 (ASWC 2008)

CfP: Applications of Semantic Technologies AST2008

CFP: DTVCS 2008 - Design, Testing and Formal Verification Techniques for Integrated Circuits and Systems

CFP: WORM08 - ESWC Workshop on Ontologies: Reasoning and Modularity

ESWC 2008 Last Call for Panel Proposals: 3 days left!

Extended Deadline: CfP Web Semantics (WebS) 2008

First Announcement NN2008

KR08 Doctoral Consortium Second Call for Application

New Deadline March 5: SemWiki2008 - The Wiki Way of Semantics (Workshop@ESWC)

Postdoc position: semantic matchmaking/KR&R

Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Workshop at WWW2008


SPARQL query using rdf:resource

Ternary Entities

Triadic Relations and Meaning (english)

Triadic Relations and meaning (spanish)

Updated Call for Papers: KR 2008

WI/IAT 2008 - Call for Tutorials

Last message date: Friday, 29 February 2008 05:11:39 UTC