Re: Treating a class as both an individual and a class?


Oops... again a typo (what is going on? :-))! I meant to say:

<owl:Class rdf:ID="CityOnARiver">
   <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#City">
       <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="hasFeature" />
       <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource=""/>

> In OWL you could do other interesting things then
> 1/ <CityOnARiver rdf:ID="Davenport">
>          ....
>    </CityOnARiver>
>    makes Davenport a city that has a river as a feature (without saying
>    which one it is).
> 2/ <" rdf:ID="YYYRiver" />
>    <City rdf:ID="Davenport">
>          <hasFeature rdf:resource="#YYYRiver" />
>    </City>
>    makes Davenport a city on the YYYRiver and also an instance of
>    CityOnARiver (without mentioning CityOnARiver explicitly).

Interesting. Do you mean that "2/" is semantically equivalent to 
<CityOnARiver rdf:ID="Davenport">
    <hasFeature rdf:resource="#YYYRiver" />

In other words, "is-a CityOnARiver" assertion will be inferred from
"hasFeature YYYRiver",  "is-a City"?
This is very becoming but also looks rather dangerous.
I wonder if tools can really support this.


Received on Monday, 10 March 2003 15:10:00 UTC