Re: Even more Fuzzy about FunctionalProperty!

"Peter F. Patel-Schneider" wrote:
> > Let the property be: lengthOf
> >   - it maps a River to a Distance
> >
> > Suppose that one instance document asserts this:
> >
> >     The Yangtze has a lengthOf 6300 kilometers.
> >
> > A second instance document then asserts this:
> >
> >     The Yangtze has a lengthOf 3937.5 miles.
> Well, the above is English, not OWL.  I suggest that you represent the
> above in OWL, if possible, and then redo the example.  

It seems like perfectly good OWL to me.  Here's the definition of

<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="lengthOf">
    <owl:type rdf:resource="http://.../owl#FunctionalProperty"/>
    <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://.../rdf-schema#Literal"/>
    <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Stream"/>

Here's an instance document that uses the lengthOf property:

<River rdf:ID="Yangtze">
     <length>6300 kilometers</length>

And here's a second instance document which uses the lengthOf property:

<River rdf:ID="Yangtze">
     <length>3937.5 miles</length>

Since lengthOf has been declared to be a FunctionalProperty I can infer:

     6300 kilometers = 3937.5 miles

Why is this not OWL?  Thanks!  /Roger

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 10:48:05 UTC