Re: RDF Statements as floating Cons Cells

>   [Sandro Hawke?]
>   >but in LISP it's only two cons cells:
>   >
>   >    X:  [  a  |  Y  ]                           location: [ car | cdr ]
>   >
>   >    Y:  [  b  |  empty ]
>   [Pat Hayes]
>   But this isnt quite fair since in LISP everything is a list, but in
>   RDF we need to say this is a list, which would add one more triple.
>Minor correction: It is not true that in Lisp everything is a list,
>and the information that something is a list does take up space, which
>is normally omitted from list diagrams.  (Even in 1965 Lisp had
>nonlists, such as symbols and numbers.)

True. What I should have said is, LISP only has one container type.


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Received on Friday, 8 June 2001 11:44:56 UTC