Re: properties with classes as values?

> >    :myProperty rdfs:range rdfs:Class .
> First (minor point) - any reason why I can't use daml:Class
> as my range?

None whatsoever.

> First, can a Class have a range?  Or did you mean to declare
> property x, rather than class x?

Oops, yes. Apologies for that error.

I have seen people trying to declare range and domain semantics for
"all instances of a certain subClassOf rdf:Property" though. In fact,
DAML does something like that, as I recall.

> which is to declare the range of a property (called
> myProperty) to be the set of subclasses of #Animal.

Ah, the *set* of subClasses, not a particular set. Well, thanks to
DanC coming up with a neat little vocabulary for that and given it a
date-stamped W3C URI, I guess the case is closed :-)

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
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Received on Thursday, 7 June 2001 14:00:18 UTC