mapping between SKOS and W3C Bookmarks vocabs


We were talking about the relationship between SKOS and the W3C RDF bookmarks work at the SWIG meeting this morning, this mail is a first tentative bidirectional mapping between the two vocabs with caveats, as a basis for further discussion.

(N.B. I used the version of the bookmarks schema at which jose kahan tells me is out of date wrt the version used in the firefox plugin)

(Re below, danbri doesn't a bm:Bookmark look a lot like a content label?)

(Jose K please correct me if I used the bm vocab wrong) 

(Also somebody slap me if my N3 rule syntax is wrong, I tried to remember how it goes)


@prefix bm: <>.
@prefix skos: <>.

# BM => SKOS
# ----------

?x a bm:Topic .
?x a skos:Concept .

?x bm:subTopicOf ?y .
?x skos:broader ?y .

?b a bm:Bookmark .
?b bm:recalls ?r .
?b bm:hasTopic ?t .
?r skos:subject ?t .

# SKOS => BM
# ----------

?x a skos:Concept .
?x a bm:Topic .

?x skos:broader ?y .
?x bm:subTopicOf ?y .

?r skos:subject ?c .
[] 	a bm:Bookmark ;
	bm:hasTopic ?c ;
	bm:recalls ?r .


I think the above mapping is semantically appropriate.  But I think there is a practical difficulty with the semantics of the above mapping, because the meaning of a bm:hasTopic assertion will be highly variable and therefore ambiguous, and that therefore the skos:subject property is an innapropriate inference.  I expect that the meaning of placing a bookmark in a particular 'folder' (as many will see it) will vary within and across bookmark collections (The 'topic' will *not* always represent the *subject* of the bookmarked resource).  This ambiguity wrt the 'categorisation' of a bookmark is the motivation behind the 'rude categorisation' suggestion I posted to today - see



Alistair Miles
Research Associate
CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Building R1 Room 1.60
Fermi Avenue
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 20:37:09 UTC