Re: WG: I need a RDFS Parser/Validator

Note that the correct behaviour is not to treat range and domain as 
constraints, but for inference. E.g.

:carType a           owl:ObjectProperty ;
          rdfs:domain :Car .
:x       :carType    :Saloon .
:x       a           :Car .

This is a common misunderstanding in validation. When "car" and 
"person" aren't disjoint, and a property such as the above is applied 
to a person, it is quite logical to infer that the subject is both car 
and person.


On 1 Sep 2004, at 10:00, Kianoush Eshaghi wrote:
> It should be able also to analyse, whether the used
> properties in an instance satisfy the definition of domain and renge of
> the respective properties, which have been also defined in given RDF
> Vocabulary.

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 09:56:50 UTC