Re: A possible typo error in RDFS Semantics

From: "Yuzhong Qu" <>
Subject: A possible typo error in RDFS Semantics
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 19:59:22 +0800

> Hi, All
> At the begining of the second paragraph in section 4.4 RDFS Entailment , it
> says
>  "Since every rdfs-interpretation is an rdf-interpretation, if S
> **rdfs-entails** E then it **rdf-entails** E;".
> Maybe, it should be changed to:
> ..., if S rdf-entail E then it rdfs-entails E;...
> Is it correct?
> Yuzhong Qu

The document is incorrect; your suggested change is correct.  This was a
very silly mistake.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Monday, 2 August 2004 10:14:47 UTC