Re: RDF Core Test Results: Call For Data Feeds

>> Sandro - thanks for that
>> we do have some results in
> Great.  I've added them.


> Actually, I had to run sed over them first, changing "Manifest#" to
> "Manifest.rdf#", since RDF Core uses a difference convention here from
> WebOnt (and your data file uses the WebOnt convention).  Let me know
> when I can take sed out of the pipeline.

I've corrected the results:test objects; sorry for the confusion...
(and also run datatypes-intensional-xsd-integer-string-incompatible)

> Is anyone working on code which is expected to pass the Non-Entailment
> tests?  Any of the DL reasoners, perhaps?   (Of course there are
> things entailed in DL semantics which are not entailed in Simple RDF,
> so there might be some FAILs, but I bet there are no RDF Core tests
> for any of that stuff.  :-)

Good bet :-)
In our case we have that for a P.E.T. the result is Passing or Undecided
and for a N.E.T. it is the opposite i.e. Failing or Undecided
(I also switched now to UndecidedRun instead of IncompleteRun as you
proposed a while back...)

>>> I've started to build an RDF Core Test Results presentation page (like
>>> the one I made for OWL [1]); you can see the current version at:
>>> My only feed so far is:
>>>   (thanks, Dave!)
>>> Another example feed (for OWL test results, not RDF ones) is:
>>> If you have a system which can pass any of the RDF Core tests, please
>>> try to create a data feed I can use in this report.  Send me e-mail
>>> (cc: with the URL.  If you have difficulties
>>> or concerns, please let me know so I can make the process easier.
>>>     -- sandro
>>> [1]

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 18:51:47 UTC