Re: OWL database schemas?

On 31.12.2003 14:18:15, Raphael Volz wrote:
>KAON only supports a slight extension of RDFS, the schema for storage employed
>in KAON is documented
>We are currently working on support for OWL; the storage scheme we use here is
>very simple since we create unary predicates/tables for every class and binary
>predicates/tables for every property, the semantics of the ontology is
>translated to rules that operate on top of these predicates. The OWL ontology
>definition itself is not stored in the database but kept in main memory, we
>actually did not encounter any ontology yet where this strategy did not work

Ah, I see. Your approach is more flexible and future-proof than mine though
I'm using the tables the other way round, for a web-based ontology modeler.
I hardcoded the OWL terms into the schema, so I hope the spec will not change
too soon ;-)

Thanks for your help and greetings to Karlsruhe.

And a H.N.Y.,

Benjamin Nowack

Kruppstrasse 82-100
45145 Essen, Germany

Received on Wednesday, 31 December 2003 10:20:16 UTC