Re: KR and RDF Redux


For one thing, RDF doesn't know anything about parts of *English* 
speech, just about parts of RDF syntax, so in

      <xx:John> <xx:wentTo> <xx:TheStore>

"wentTo" is certainly a property as far as RDF is concerned.  For 
another, if you want to strictly rule out verbs, how do you still allow

ex:John ex:authorOf ex:theBook

while ruling out

ex:John ex:wrote ex:theBook

("wrote" is a verb after all;  wouldn't you say the two forms meant the 
same thing?)

You could get much more precise in your categories if you wanted, and do 
something like:

ex:wentTo rdf:type ex:PastAction
ex:agent rdf:type rdfs:Property
ex:agent rdfs:domain ex:PastAction
ex:agent rdfs:range ex:Person
ex:where rdf:type rdfs:Property
ex:where rdfs:domain ex:PastAction
ex:where rdfs:range ex:Location
ex:John rdf:type ex:Person
ex:theStore rdf:type ex:Location

ex:wentTo ex:agent ex:John
ex:wentTo ex:where ex:theStore

(see John Sowa's book "Knowledge Representation" if you want to delve 
into this kind of thing further).

In these examples, we're trying to record English statements in a (very) 
restricted syntax, and in principal you can make that jump as broad or 
narrow as you like (before you start worrying about the logical 
machinery necessary to actually *record* the meanings of those 
statements in a machine-interpretable way).

Now, how did you say

      <xx:John> <xx:wentTo> <xx:TheStore

in KR?


Richard H. McCullough wrote:

> "WentTo" is not a property.
> It's a mixture of a verb (action) and a preposition (relation).
> It is my understanding that a property is the analog of an adjective or 
> an adverb.
> ============
> Dick McCullough
> knowledge <> := man do identify od existent done
> knowledge haspart list of proposition
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Jon Hanna <>
>     To: <>
>     Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 10:18 AM
>     Subject: RE: KR and RDF Redux
>      > There are lots of things that KR can express and RDF can't.
>      > For example (English):
>      >
>      >     John went to the store.
>     <xx:John> <xx:wentTo> <xx:TheStore>

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Friday, 22 November 2002 15:10:07 UTC