Re: RDF vocabulary definitions

> >I'd like to stick to identifying the nature of rdfs:Property & rdfs:Class,
> >since I know that they are concepts, and I know what concepts are.
> >I do not know what your RDF-MT symbols are.
> A property is represented by a resource with the type rdf:Property. 
> It can be used as the predicate in an RDF assertion. A class is 
> represented by a resource with the type rdfs:Class. It can be used as 
> the value of rdf:type.

Slightly off topic, and at the risk of being wrong again (!): a
property *is* a resource, it is not represented by a resource
(although in some reified case it could be).  "Resource" just means
"thing" or "object in domain of discourse".  The
property/thing/resource is named/identified by a URI/URI-Ref.

(the same holds for classes, etc.)

(I'm also not on the WG or anything.  I think the people on the WG are
far too busy to participate.  :-)

    -- sandro

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 04:58:00 UTC