Re: extend rdfs:Class & rdf:Property

Arjohn Kampman wrote:

> In my opinion, this inferencing is correct. This kind of inferencing could be
> very useful to make richer languages as much backwards compatible with RDF
> Schema as possible. If, for some reason, such a language defines its own
> Class-primitive and declares it to be an rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class, RDF
> Schema-only software will still be able to at least partially understand data
> that uses this language (i.e. to detect the classes in the data).

Quite. In fact, this is exactly how DAML+OIL's primitives are related to RDF Schema primitives, see

Frank van Harmelen.
Department of AI, Faculty of Sciences,  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel (+31)-20-444 7731 fax (+31)-84-221 4294

Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 08:05:46 UTC