from RDF syntax to KR syntax

The simple change from RDF triple
    subject property value
to KR attribute statement
    subject has property = value
offers several advantages.

1. You can use phrases instead of words, e.g.
    John Doe has street address = 123 Solano Way
2. You can use subject & property lists, e.g.
    Jane, Sue has sex = female
    person has sex, height, weight
3. With a slight modification, you can use value lists, e.g.
    document has topic=[RDF, OWL], contributor=[John Doe, Jane Doe]  

BTW, the corresponding KR action statement is
    subject do action = event done
For example
    John do walk = walk_123 done
The CycL language calls the event the reification of the action, and uses event properties to specify actor, direct object, etc. 
CycL has hundreds of action classes, each with its own specialized event properties.  
The KR action statement expresses event properties using optional with, out, od, from, to phrases.
These phrases are sufficient for most cases.  For complex cases involving changes in multiple objects, KR uses
    event do change od object from initial characteristics to final characteristics done
to specify the details.
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart proposition list

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2002 15:04:51 UTC