Re: RDF in HTML question

From: "Tim Chartrand" <>

> Just a (hopefully) quick question about RDF and HTML:
> The RDF syntax spec describes how to embed RDF in HTML so it is hidden
> web browsers by making the property values XML attributes, but what about
> where there are multiple values for a property, for example, in the
> following RDF, the name property could easily be written as an attribute,
> but the program has two associated operating systems:
> <rdf:RDF
> xmlns:rdf=""
> xmlns:software="">
> <software:program rdf:about="">
> <software:name>Let The Squashing Begin</software:name>
> <software:OperatingSystem>Mac</software:OperatingSystem>
> <software:OperatingSystem>Windows
> 98/Me/NT/2000/XP</software:OperatingSystem>
> </software:program>
> </rdf:RDF>

You could use rdf:value, see below.

By the way, your term "Let The Squashing Begin"  is intriguing,  to what
does it refer ?

Seth Russell

language: semenglish

(example of use of rdf:value for multiple objects with the same property)
    type (rdf example);
    semref <>;
        [(sailor screenshot)

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 13:35:35 UTC