Abusing containers (RE: RDF Schema questions)

> Lars Marius Garshol wrote:

> I assume that it is allowed to have more than one RDF 
> statement in the
> same model where the subject and the predicate are the same? 

Somewhat relevant to your question. I was wondering what is the best
practice for statements having the same subject and object, with
different predicates. I was thinking about defining a new property and
use the object as a subject, then fill a bag with the predicates as
objects. A simple example (my apologies but I am not confortable with

<rdf:Description about="http://foo.org/2001/foo1#">
    <dc:creator resource="http://www.foo.org/people#Manos"/>
    <mm:madeBy resource="http://www.foo.org/people#Manos"/>
    <mm:supervisor resource="http://www.foo.org/people#Manos"/>
    <!-- Many other similar property-value pairs here -->
    <mm:techLead resource="http://www.foo.org/people#Manos"/>

Could be:

<rdf:Description about="http://foo.org/2001/foo1#">
   <new:objectAsSubject resource="http://www.foo.org/people#Manos">
              <!-- Many other similar property-value pairs here -->

Is the above concept correct? How could it be improved? Maybe a better
use of rdf:object, rdf:subject and rdf:predicate? Is there a functional
equivalent to aboutEach for making statements for the above bag?

Kindest regards,


Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 05:30:09 UTC