Re: naming properties and classes in RDF

> I'm not sure what you consider to be redundant here.  The only things that
> are typed twice are <rdf:type>, <_:1>, and <_:2>.

Hi Peter

Thanks for the reply. I wasn't very clear. I'm not concerned with the
syntax, I'm bothered that designing schemas which have similar or
identical names for certain properties and classes is confusing for
authors, and also seems...wrong. It's not clear that you need to know
both the sort of link between two entities and the typing information
about the entities. The latter doesn't seem to add anything, except
maybe in some visualizations where it may clarify what you
are looking at. For certain queries it might enable you to make finer
distinctions (but for most queries I've done, and certainly in this
schema which is very flat, typing in queries is not needed).

Does this ring any bells with anyone?

thanks again


> Now there are some remedies that you might be interested in:
> 1/ Go to RDF/XML, which can remove some of the repetition, as in:
> 	<foaf:Person>
> 	  <foaf:research_interest>
> 	     <foaf:Research_interest>
> 	     </foaf:Research_interest>
> 	  </foaf:research_interest>
> 	</foaf:Person>
> 2/ Use range restrictions:
>  <foaf:research_interest> <rdfs:range> <foaf:Research_interest>.
>  <_:1> <rdf:type> <foaf:Person>.
>  <_:1> <foaf:research_interest> <_:2>.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 11:33:43 UTC