Re: Mapping External Triples Structures Into Your Own Systems

> I know this is really unrelated to your example

Not really, and don't forget that I was a participant in the original
discussions that led to RDDL. RDDL is good in that it can be
dereferenced in many ways (er.. I mean it can lead to many schemas)...
but RDDL for the purpose of RDF mechanisms wouldn't be all that
complicated at the mo':-

   1. XHTML
   2. XML RDF
   3. N3
   4. Tab Delimited Triples
   5. semEnglish

But yes, it's an interesting thing to note.

The purpose of my original note (just in case it wasn't obvious), was
to portray a watertight example of where derferencing a URI is useful
to a system. It won't always be useful, in fact in the majority of
times it won't be... but there are still thousands of examples of
where it is. "Vancing upon URIs" has to become accepted for the SW to
reach it's full potential.

Usually, this is the sort of thing that inspires hours of completely
pointless debate - this happens because it is all abstract discussion
and we all talk past each other. By being pragmatic, we can actually
reach conclusions that may be of some worth in the future to SW
discussions. The example I gave was evidence to my theory that
deferencing URIs can sometimes give vital information that could not
otherwise be obtained. I believe this to be true within many certian
contexts of SW processing.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
[ :name "Sean B. Palmer" ] :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 23 February 2001 12:56:43 UTC