RDF Book author looking for help with reviews

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Hello folks

I'm working on a book titled "Practical RDF" for O'Reilly. We're currently
looking for folks willing to review the material as it's written and to help
pinpoint inaccuracies, missing material, as well as confusing or unclear
passages. Reviewers will get acknowledgement in the book from the grateful
author (myself) as well as copies of the book. O'Reilly does pay a stipend
for reviewers that provide a detailed technical review of the entire book,
but be forewarned -- the amount's not a lot of money (more of an

The focus of the book is on the practical uses of RDF. The audience is the
software developer, DBA, technology architect, or other technology
practitioner looking to understand how he or she can use RDF within their
current application development. The book is not directed at the person
wanting to write RDF parsers or general RDF utilities. Also note that though
the book covers the semantic web, it does so only in one chapter.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Overview of the basic elements within the W3C RDF Model
Chapter 3. Reification: The RDF Big Ugly
Chapter 4. Important concepts from the W3C RDF Schema
Chapter 5. Creating an RDF Vocabulary (including coverage of Dublin Core)
Chapter 6. RDF and the Semantic Web
Chapter 7. DAML+OIL –
Chapter 8. Storing and Accessing RDF schema-related data
Chapter 9. Publishing content through RSS
Chapter 10. User Interface Development with XUL and RDF
Chapter 11. RDF, Scheduling and Calendaring
Chapter 12. RDF Parsers and Editors
Chapter 13. Accessing RDF through Java
Chapter 14. RDF and Perl
Chapter 15. RDF Frameworks (Redland, Redfoot)
Appendix A. A Detailed Look at the RDF EBNF
Appendix B. Hot RDF Topics

This outline could be changed based on writing efforts and changes in
technology, as well as changes in the RDF specifications.

The book has been on hold pending the outcome of the RDF working group's
efforts; however, we need to restart the effort and will incorporate changes
from the group as they are formalized.

If you feel confident of your understanding of RDF, particularly from an
applied perspective, and would be interested in helping with the book,
please send me an email directly.



Shelley Powers             shelleyp@burningbird.net

Burning Bird Network: http://www.burningbird.net

Burningbird Weblog: http://www.burningbird.net/weblog/

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 12:44:18 UTC