Re: Reification of Sets (of RDF Statement, for Queries)


> Short Answer:
>   My concern is that a decent set of collection abstractions
>   should provide for sets.

So noted - added to my list of pending for issues list update

> I worry that the new RDF working groups do not match this factoring of
> the problem space very well; the charter of your group (RDF Core)
> covers parts of all three areas, and that's likely to confuse people
> about which issues are really part of the rdf/xml syntax, or some
> vocabulary, or the basic model.

I'm  very sympathetic to the concerns you raise and like your split into
three areas.  The good news is that the core group has some flexibility
as to how it structures its output.  For example, its been suggested
that model and syntax be split into separate documents, and also that
things like containers be split out.  I'm hoping that its an advantage
that the core group is to cover all these areas so that we can take an
overall view of how best to structure the specifications.


Received on Friday, 13 April 2001 16:12:13 UTC