Re: capturing 'foreall' in a graph picture

I am sorry,

I didn't really pay attention to the size of the picture. You can find it at:



"Simon St.Laurent" wrote:

> At 04:55 PM 10/17/00 +0200, Tom Van Eetvelde wrote:
> >For those interested: take a look at below attachment. I would appreciate
> comments as I am curious
> >in other viewpoints on the matter.
> Erp.  Could we use hypertext links instead of email attachments?
> 170K per reader of this list, some of whom aren't reading closely, seems
> like a lot.
> Simon St.Laurent
> XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
> XHTML: Migrating Toward XML
> - XML essays and books

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2000 08:47:07 UTC