RE: Update to XLink -> RDF mapping

Apologies for the delay in informing people...

A couple of weeks ago the XML Linking WG discussed
the issue of what to do about the XLink->RDF mapping
NOTE. The decision was to finish it off and publish
it as a NOTE, investing the minimum amount of additional
work needed for that task. Beyond that, the WG does
not intend to work on the document.

So, I am going to make another pass over the document
and then call it done. People who want to get any
changes into the document need to make requests
to me (cc'ing the rdf-interest and xml-linking-interest
lists) by the end of next week (Sept. 1).

Best regards,

Ron Daniel Jr.
Metacode Technologies, Inc.
139 Townsend Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA  94107
415.836.7813 fax 415.222.0150

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2000 15:55:13 UTC