SIMILE PI phone conference, 23-Oct-03 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 23-Oct-03 1100 EDT/1600 BST

866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617

possible regrets - Eric

1/ reconfirm plenary dates
   December 16 and 17

2/ review status of open actions
     Martin D. dialogue (mark)
     OCLC NA - (mackenzie)
       can they take a feed of names, foreach return possible NA hits?
     VRA modelling choice dialogue (andy, mackenzie)
     CSAIL hiring (david)
     W3C hiring (eric)
     history system handoff (mick)
3/ staffing update
      short-term (3-month) role and assignment (david, mark)

4/ Corpus Data Acquisition
   review open actions:
     IMS for additional courses (mackenzie)
     acquire/purchase use rights for getty data (eric)
     CIDOC (eric)

5/ Review - modelling progress, current issues, next actions
     (andy, mark, kevin)

6/ Discuss -
   plan to revise and tune demo storyboard,
   considering data in hand
   separate note to follow

Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

970.898.6788 office    240.536.0765 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    303.494.5202 residence

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 07:00:02 UTC