Re: ungetable http URIs

On 1 Dec 2003, at 18:16, Nick Matsakis wrote:

> On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>> If I got to vote, I would vote +1 for "getable" URIs because I think
>> that they don't add complexity, they are consistent with the general
>> XML movement, and they are potentially more valuable in the future.
> If I got to vote, I would say 'getable' URIs should be assigned to 
> things
> that can be expressed as bits, or things that are elements of RDF 
> schemas
> (e.g. if you come across something with an RDF type you don't 
> recognize,
> it would be nice if there was a schema saying something that type at a
> conveniently retrivable URL).

Fair enough.

> I think things that don't meet those requirements should get ungetable
> URIs.

What kind of URIs wouldn't meet those requirements, IMO? [not caustic, 
just curious]


Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 13:16:36 UTC