Re: review of LCC documents as of 26 December 2002

>>>"Peter F. Patel-Schneider" said:


> Dave said:
> > It has been noted and fixed.  
> I disagree.  See below for an extensive comment.
> > Generated blank node identifiers are done by the
> > generated-blank-node-id() notation which says:
> >    "A string value for a new distinct generated Blank Node
> >    Identifiers as defined in section 5.2 Identifiers." 
> Aside from being grammatically incorrect, this statement is extremely
> difficult to understand, and even incorrect.  I don't read any requirement
> here that different ``calls'' to this action must result in different
> strings being returned.  It would be much better to explicitly state that
> generated-blank-node-id() returns a different string each time that it is
> called.

Please can you suggest a better phrase for that notation.

I'm unsure how 'distinct' in the existing notation comment doesn't
help with this; it implicitly requires a different blank node
indentifier (and hence string value of it) to be generated each time.

> > Blank node identifiers from rdf:nodeID are done by the bnodeid()
> > notation which says:
> >   "bnodeid(identifier := value) Create a new Blank Node Identifier Event."
> > which refers to section 5.2
> > 
> > 5.2 tells you that you do not have to use the exact blank node
> > identifier given but can use any method that retains the blank node
> > identity.
> Well part of the problem is that there are no blank nodes in XML/RDF, so
> you can't rely on preserving blank node identity (really distinctness)
> to get you want you want.

The full quote from 5.2 you reference is:

  [[These identifiers may also be generated as part of the mapping
  from the RDF/XML to the graph for new distinct blank nodes. Such
  generated blank node identifiers must not clash with any blank node
  identifiers from rdf:nodeID attribute values. This can be
  implemented by any method that preserves the distinct identity of
  all the blank nodes in the graph. One method would be to add a
  constant prefix to all the rdf:nodeID attribute values and ensure
  no generated blank node identifiers ever used that prefix.]]

This is in terms of 'blank node identifiers' in the RDF/XML
mapping to distinct 'blank nodes' in the RDF graph.  This is a 1-1
mapping.  There is no mention of blank nodes in RDF/XML.
The syntax's correct name is RDF/XML.

The requirement for the blank nodes to have distinct identity means
that the blank node identifiers also must have it.

> > The suggested method given here is to "add a constant prefix to all
> > the rdf:nodeID attribute values and ensure no generated blank node
> > identifiers ever used that prefix." but that is not required.  For
> > example, generate-blank-node-id() could make all names "genid"+number
> > and bnodeid() could apply some different constant prefix.
> This method is not allowed.  See below for more details.
> > The more expensive alternative you give would be to keep all blank
> > node identifiers around and check for clashes.  There are medium-cost
> > alternatives too, such renaming any rdf:nodeID values that start
> > with "genid" to a new identifier.
> This last method is also not allowed.

Quoting the same section above
  [[ This can be implemented by any method that preserves the distinct
  identity of all the blank nodes in the graph.]]

these methods match this and are thus allowed.

> 		Problems with Blank Nodes and rdf:nodeID
> 		in the LCC XML/RDF Syntax Document
> The handling of blank nodes is still problematic in the LCC version of the
> XML/RDF document.  
> The intent is clear. ...


> ...  Each nodeElement that does not otherwise get a
> subject is given a blank node identifier as a subject.  The string-value of
> this blank node identifer is to be different from the string-value of every
> other blank node identifier resulting from the parsing of the RDF/XML
> document.
> However, the document does not follow this intent.  
> First, in section 5.2, the document only says that ``generated blank node
> identifiers must not clash with any blank node identifiers from rdf:nodeID
> attribute values.''  This allows
> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="..."
>          xmlns:ex="...">
> <rdf:Description>
>   <ex:foo>
>    <rdf:Description />
>   </ex:foo>
> </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>


> to generate the following triple
> _:x <ex:foo> _:x .


On generating blank nodes identifiers:
  [[ This can be implemented by any method that preserves the distinct
  identity of all the blank nodes in the graph.]]

This method of implementing generate-blank-node-id() does not
preserve the distinctiveness of the two blank nodes, is thus
inadequate and incorrect.  The partial quote you give from 5.2 does
not give all the requirements.

> Second, a blank node identifier in the linear representation of an RDF
> Graph is generated from the string-value of the subject of the event.  For
> events that come from nodeElements that have an rdf:nodeID attribute, this
> value is determined in 7.2.11 as follows
> 	If there is an atribute a with a.URI=rdf:nodeID,
> 	then e.subject := bnodeid(identifier:=a.string-value)
> >From 6.1.7 the string value of this subject is the concatenation of "_:"
> and the value its identifier accessor.
> This means that 
> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="..."
>          xmlns:ex="...">
> <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="HI">
>   <ex:foo>
>    <rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="BYE" />
>   </ex:foo>
> </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>


> MUST generate the following triple
> _:HI <ex:foo> _:BYE .

This is not required.

bnodeid() notation is [[Create a new Blank Node Identifier Event.]]

links to 6.1.7 Identifiers
  and onwards to the definition of blank node identifiers in 5.2 that says:

  [[ This can be implemented by any method that preserves the distinct
  identity of all the blank nodes in the graph.]]

So any other method of implementing bnodeid() that matches this
requirement is fine.  It could rewrite them to be _:foo and _:bar if
it so desires also long as it preserves the distinctiveness of the
blank node identifiers and does not clash with any generated blank
node identifiers.

> Therefore the wording in 5.2 ``One method would be to add a constant prefix
> to all the rdf:nodeID attribute values'' is not a potential solution to the
> blank node identifier clashing problem.

Yes it is.  Quoting the entire sentence you selected from:

  [[One method would be to add a constant prefix to all the
  rdf:nodeID attribute values and ensure no generated blank node
  identifiers ever used that prefix.]]

So it is a potential method; it adds different prefixes to both sets
of identifiers to ensure they don't clash.

I offered this in my previous reply to you:
bnodeid() and generate-blank-node-id() allow
the identifiers to be modified by refering to 5.2.  The subject is
always generated by using the string-value accessor of the
appropriate event, which can perform any modification that 5.2

I could add something further to 6.1.7 to indicate that the
string-value may be further modified.

to see if that would improve things but you didn't pick up on it.

Suggestions for new words in some of these sections would be very helpful.

At present I don't see this as a critical comment for last call but
the wording looks like it can be improved.


Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2003 11:42:36 UTC