Using rdf reification to nest statements in N3 like contexts

From: "Graham Klyne" <>

> That said, I rather like this idea.  As it happens, I've made some
> notes about extending the model theory to handle N3 style contexts
> (which I think map quite nicely to this suggestion):

Which is much appreciated :)   But in which you say:
Using this approach, the number of triples will increase exponentially with
the depth of context nesting.

Which I don't think is true.  I think it is basically just 4 (maybe 5) times
the number of triples. The number of triples for any level of nesting is
just 4N + (if N>1, N)  where N is the number of statements in whatever level
of nesting past the top.  Note this even provides that all the statements in
one context are conjunctive.  See mentograph:

Seth Russell

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2002 16:17:38 UTC