RDF Issue rdfms-fragments



you raised an issue which was captured in



  "In the RDF (model/syntax) spec a reference to a subtree of an XML 
document containing RDF is taken to be a reference to the RDF object." (TimBL)

As recorded in


the RDFCore WG has resolved:

that RDF uses URI's with fragment ID's to identify resources. This issue is 
now closed.

The WG also raised an action to draft text for the primer on the use of 
fragment id's with appropriate warnings regarding their semantics and asked 
Dan Connolly to hightlight this issue with the TAG.

Please could you respond to this message, copying www-rdf-comments@w3.org 
indicating whether this is an acceptable resolution of this issue.

Brian McBride
RDFCore co-chair

Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 09:15:54 UTC