Re: dtstart and date vs datetime (fixed; thanks)

On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 12:55 -0500, Dan Connolly wrote:
> The sections on DTSTART and DATETIME are reasonably
> clear that DTSTART:20060804 is no good...
> But there's a DTSTART:19980205 example discussed in passing
> under Trigger
> and another DTSTART:19971102
> Those examples seem to still be there in the October 11, 2005 draft
> So... what's the deal?
>   - these examples are bad data and should be fixed
>   - the specification of DTSTART should be updated so that
>     the default type depends on the value given
>   - the specification of the DATE-TIME data type should be
>     updated so that values like 19971102 are OK

I see a 2006-10-04 edit that adopts the 1st suggestion.


I haven't put test cases together yet, but I hope to soon.

> p.s. there isn't a calisfy test repository yet, is there?
> I participate in development of hCalendar test develompent.
> ... RDF calendar test development.
> I hope to get those two more sync'd up.
> In particular, whatever answer I get from the CALSIFY WG on
> this issue, I intend to reflect in those 2 test suites.
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 8 January 2007 18:58:10 UTC