Re: [Ietf-calsify] VTIMEZONE - replacement idea (fwd)

>I must say that seems like a strange thing to do, just when the
>various tools are starting to get it right. The spec for VTIMEZONE
>seems like a pretty good match for the widely-deployed Olsen
>timezone database. It's maybe slightly hairier than it
>needs to be, in theory; I can imagine pruning the allowed
>RRULE constructs a bit. But in practice, it seems to work
Part of the debate on this list was to change RRULE. This effected
recurring events across time zones.  Also included in this debate was
how to have the client do TZ math. And VTIMEZONE contains
RRULEs and can include RDATEs.

Also in the debate on this list was listing all entries in UTC.  This
would eliminate the need for VTIMEZONE in many (all?) components.
Yet the CUA still needs to do TZ math.  So this is a proposal on
how to have simple IANA registered time zones so that everyone does
the same math.

I have modeled the proposed XML format to be compatible with the zdump 
format from the compiled Olson database. A simple hack to zdump should
be able to produce this XML object directly.

No need to pass the same time zone definition in each component
each time any more.


Doug Royer                     |
-------------------------------|-----------------------------                 | Office: (208)520-4044   | Fax:    (866)594-8574
                               | Cell:   (208)520-4044

              We Do Standards - You Need Standards

Received on Saturday, 11 September 2004 01:04:38 UTC