Re: ical and geo/location (was Re: A Japanese ...)

On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 08:01, Masahide Kanzaki wrote:
> Hi, I've been thinking about geo and iCal for a while.

Me too... ;)

> If we want to add some information on NY Sheraton (not the event) such as
> url of the Hotel homepage or photo of the hotel, this can be extended as:
> <Vevent>
>  <location rdf:parseType='Resource'>
>   <dc:title>New York, Sheraton Hotel</dc:title>
>   <geo:lat>40.442673</geo:lat>
>   <geo:long>-79.945815</geo:long>
>   <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="..."/>
>   <foaf:depiction rdf:resource="..."/>
>  </location>
>  ...
> </Vevent>

> Hmm.., but this requires the change of range of <location>, and "changing
> the range of properties could cause problems" as Morten noted... then, is
> it better to use <geo> of ical for this structured description (not a good
> fit name, but is not defined in the schema yet) ?
> I prefer using <location> for structured description, if possible.

Well, our strategy so far is to do a fairly "dumb" mapping from
properties in the ical namespace...

to the IETF proposed standard semantics:

[[[ Location

   Property Name: LOCATION

   Purpose: The property defines the intended venue for the activity
   defined by a calendar component.

   Value Type: TEXT

While I agree this is a modelling error (cf I want us
to deal with modelling errors by, for example, using other
properties and mapping them to ical:location, rather than
teaching our ical/RDF tools to be smart enough to "fix"
the modelling error at mapping time.

To relate an event to a place (rather than a place's name)
I use cyc:eventOccursAt. e.g.

@prefix cn: <>


_:webConf a :Conference;
  :homePage <>;
  cn:eventOccursAt [
    a :Hotel; :name "Sheraton Waikiki";
    usps:deliveryAddress "2255 Kalakaua Avenue";
    usps:zipCode "96815";

]]] --

So a mapping rule might look like:

{ ?E cyc:eventOccursAt [ cyc:nameString ?NAME ] }
  log:means { ?E ical:location ?NAME }.

The cyc ontology has great documentation...
Darn it; the link from
has gone bad... ah; here it is:
(sigh; why 404 rather than a simple redirect?)

I'm mostly happy to use cyc, but sometimes I think about
switching to SUMO for licensing reasons; they have an RDF
I've talked with them about splitting it into about a dozen
manageable chunks. Anyway...

Their wordnet-based browser is great...

There's usually an analog there... ah... perhaps sumo:located

> cheers,
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2004 17:57:27 UTC